Discover the weird and wonderful, the beautiful and the unique..
Browse all our vintage and antique items here.
Arts & Crafts side table
Victorian Windsor chair
Pair of wrought iron grilles
Wind up tin crocodile
Wind up tin clown drummer
Bellini pottery cat
Mid century Italian pottery dish by Bellini
Bellini pottery vase
Mid century Van Daalen Keramik vase
1960’s Jopeko Keramik vase
Mid century Scheurich Keramik vase
Large rattan trolley
Antique painted pine washstand
Vintage framed drawing
19th century framed drawing
Tall cobalt blue glass lidded jar
Cobalt blue glass lidded jar
Original 1920’s framed Georges Barbier print
Wooden rustic vase
Large wooden candle holder and candle
Antique pine table and four chairs
Art Deco frameless mirror with detail
Art Deco round mirror
Atsonea round convex mirror